Monday 18 April 2016


I have read several of your letters, many of which are candid; although this very one you have titled CANDID appears to be more revealing than candid. This letter you admit is born not out of a true desire to advise your friend (like the ones you wrote to Mr President) but to tackle mischief makers who believe you are a close and ardent supporter of the Senate president.

Your opening paragraphs attempts to admit a close relationship and yet distance yourself in a way that gives credence to your denial of being a paid supporter. Let me say here that I do not believe that you are a paid supporter from his “bottomless pocket”; however, it would appear that your friendship with Mr Saraki ties your hands from speaking the truth you have always attempted to propagate. This trend is a recent thing, it became apparent to me in your attempt to force the people’s sympathy in one of your interviews with a notorious and allegedly corrupt past minister.

I came across the purported photo of you, James Ibori and Chief Osoba on social media. I commented on the photo in your defense, as it was obviously a deliberate misinterpretation of the photo as a cheap shot.

As I continued to read your letter, it suddenly became apparent that you were indeed a close associate of Mr Saraki with whom you had according to you strategized with even in his home and spoken to severally on the phone, you named dropped some big money bags you say he rallied for support which impressed you and that you were even privy to how he raised some “stupendous money” however you failed to say for whom these monies were raised, you left us to deduce these monies were for the party / Mr president’s campaign. In short you were giving credence to the story on social media about Mr Saraki’s (fund raising) contribution to the success of the election.
Nevertheless, you own up to the fact that Mr Saraki did commit “Hara-Kiri” then subliminally described those who opposed such treachery as his enemies. It is this kind of language that is unforgivable for a seasoned journalist like yourself because you know full well that an opponent is not necessarily an enemy. Mr Saraki himself knows that his offence is unpardonable. To clarify, the Hara-Kiri (I and many others call it Treachery) he committed is actually betrayal of trust, dereliction of faith & party which further destroyed the already fragile state of unity of the coalition, A total disregard for his colleagues who he met in the party, a totally blinded ambition which led even Mr President to break his silence on the matter and instruct that they “put your ambition in your pocket”.

You claim that your defense was only for the right of man. Mr Momodu, may I ask, right of man to do what? To jump ship from a party he arguably contributed in wrecking? Or the right of man to join another party only to foster an ambition over that of the others or just the right of man to act as a double agent against his party and the people which allowed the opposition party to gain power through the back door.
All sinners become saints on migration? This in my opinion can only cross the mind of a moral and justice bankrupt person and although it is true that there was no real objection to the proliferation by the party, we the people complained and in any case, should that warped thinking be considerable in any form, Mr Saraki’s offence is after the so called canonization into sainthood, therefore he is a falling saint and must be cast down.

The parable of the “cast the first stone” amnesty does not apply here. The law must take its course. He has been accused, he must be made to and should defend himself and if found guilty must pay the price, for Justice must be done. As the famous Italian dramatist historian and philosopher, Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) said He who blinded by ambition, raises himself to a position whence he cannot mount higher, must fall with the greatest loss.
In Conclusion, My opinion is that your letter is self serving, a poor attempt at eating your cake and having it, and a revelation of what standing true is not.

Kent Merriman


  1. Well said by an incredibly intelligent woman who is able to overlook the manipulation of Men.
